
Madrid face to face meeting

Expert System hosted the first WP3 face to face meeting in Madrid on 19 October 2017: an intense and productive day.

Agenda :

  • 9:00 Arrival & Coffee
  • 9:15 Introduction and Plan of the Day
  • 9:30 T3.1 work progress (ESI)
  • 9:45 T3.2 work progress (UPM)
  • 10:00 T3.3 work progress (Z&P)
  • 10:15 T3.4 work progress (OU)
  • 10:30 Case Study of SAFFRON Project (VISEO)
  • [10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break]
  • 11:00 Data-flow Architecture and Pipelines (ESI)
  • 11:30 Datasets – Analysis & Annotation (OU)
  • 12:00 Radicalisation Classification – Architecture and Pipeline (Z&P)
  • 12:30 Process dataset by COGITO – test input, output, accuracy, speed (ESI)
  • [13:00 – 14:30 Lunch Break]
  • 14:30 Multilingual corpus (test translator, COGITO) (ESI)
  • 15:00 Dissemination
  • 16:30 Wrap up

Inaugural seminar

The EC-funded research project TRIVALENT has officially started with a conference dedicated to “Europe and the challenges of radicalisation: what answers?”, held at the Italian Chamber of Deputies on June 22th.
Around 100 persons take place in the Sala del Mappamondo to participate to an in-depth discussion on radicalisation and security.

In addition to the pictures below, you may have a look at the program.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 740934